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Phase Forms for ODL / Online modes
Updated on 30 Aug, 2024

Mechanism for approval of design of new academic programmes/ revision or addition of courses in existing academic programmes.
The University has adopted participatory inclusive strategy for development of new academic programmes and revision of existing academic programmes. Statutory bodies like School Board, Academic Council and Planning Board are involved in different stages of the design and development of academic programmes. Internal /external experts in the relevant disciplines and experts from different  segments of society contribute and support the developing, monitoring and assessment of academic programmes. 
Phase Forms for approval of designing of new academic programmes 
S. No.
Programme Proposal Form (PPF)
This is the first Form.  This Form is for initiating the proposal for development of a New programme.  This Form should be approved by the School Board followed by Planning Board / Academic Programme Committee.
Programme Development Form (PDF)
This is the second Form.  This form is for development of the New Programme.  This Form should include all stages and details of programme development process including curriculum, courses, admission,  evaluation criteria, time lines, etc. This Form should be  approved by the School Board followed by Academic Council.
Programme Project Report (PPR)
This form is an Annexure to Programme Development Form.  As a mandatory requirement for approval of UGC, this Form would include details emanating from Programme Proposal Form and Programme Development Form.  This Form would be annexed with Programme Development Form and would require approval of the School Board followed by Academic Council.
Programme Launch Form
This form will be filled just before launch of the programme expressing readiness. It should be 
approved by the Planning Board/Academic Programme Committee
Phase form for approval of revision/addition of courses in existing academic programmes
Programme Revision Form (PRF)     
This Form would require approval of the School Board followed by Academic Council (only if the revision is more than 30%).


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[Updated on 04-Sep-2024]