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Updated on 30 Sep, 2019

Term-end Examination

The University conducts Term-end Examination twice a year in the months of June and December every year. Students will be permitted to appear in Term-end Examination subject to the condition that registration for the courses in which they wish to appear is valid. Minimum time to pursue the courses has lapsed and maximum time to pursue the course/programme is not over and they have also submitted the required number of assignment(s), if any, in those courses by the due date.

Examination Fee:

Examination fee of Rs.150/- per course (either theory course or practical course). The examination fee is required to be paid online at the time of submission of online examination form through debit card, credit card or net banking.
The portal for examination forms is open from March 1 for June Term-end Examination and September 1 for December Term-end Examination.

Examination Centre:

Normally the study centre is the examination centre. However, a student is required to fill the exam centre code in the examination form. For the purpose you are advised to go through the list of examination centres available in the link given in the portal. In case any student wishes to take examination at a particular centre, the code of the chosen centre be filled up as examination centre code. However, examination centre chosen by a student if is not activated, the university will allot another examination centre under the same Region.

Declaration of results:

The results for the Term-end Examinations, June are declared in the month of August/September and the results of Term-end Examinations, December are declared in the month of February/March of the subsequent year. The results of the other components such as assignments, projects, practical examinations, dissertations, viva-voce, campus extension programmes, field work, etc. are declared along with the results of the term-end theory examinations.

Date of Submission of Examination Forms:


For June TEE
Late Fee
For Dec. TEE
Late Fee
Submission OF Exam form
1st March to 31st March
1st Sept to 30th Sept
1st April to
20th April
1st Oct . to
20th Oct
21st April to 30 April
21th Oct to 31 Oct
1st May to 31st May
1st Nov to 30th Nov
Application to be submitted by hard copy along with a
demand draft in favour of IGNOU at concerned Regional Centre subject to the availability of question paper.

Issue of Examination Hall Ticket:

The University uploads Examination Hall Tickets of the student’s at least ten days before the commencement of Term-end Examination. The same could be downloaded from the University’s website www.ignou.ac.in. The students can download the hall ticket from the website and along with the IGNOU Student Identity Card can approach the examination centre for appearing in the exam.

Other Services:

The Student Evaluation Division also provides other services such as Early Declaration of Results, Re-evaluation and Supply of photocopy of answer scripts on payment of prescribed fees.

Issue of Duplicate Grade Card / Statement of Marks :

In case of loss or damage, a student can obtain duplicate grade card / statement of marks on payment of prescribed fee payable in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ and payable at New Delhi and submit to the Registrar, SED, Block No.12, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110068.

Issue of Duplicate Degree / Diploma / Certificates:

In case of loss or damage, a student can obtain duplicate degree / diploma / certificate on payment of prescribed fee payable in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ and payable at New Delhi and submit to the Registrar, SED, Block No.9, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110068.


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[Updated on 13-Sep-2024]