Updated on 18 Apr, 2024
The NCIDE facilitates the IGNOU faculty to innovate in the areas of distance education in particular and other areas of social relevance in general. Through its consistent efforts the NCIDE has created a culture of innovation among the IGNOU faculty and academics in the headquarters and the Regional Centres across India. As a result of which, the IGNOU faculty is regularly coming up with new and innovative ideas and innovations.
Faculty Innovations inspired by NCIDE
Since its inception, the NCIDE, through its efforts of capacity development, recognition and rewards, and incubation facilitation, has been able to inspire a large number of faculty, academics and staff members to ideate and come up with creative ideas and innovations.
For more information on creative ideas and innovation by IGNOU faculty click here
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Idea Bank@IGNOU
The launch of Innovation Cell and Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) by the Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India, has generated a need to develop an IDEABANK@IGNOU where ideas from various stake holders and functionaries of ODL system will be gathered, and disseminated.
Taking action on the directions of the Hon’ble President of India as Visitor of Central Universities, an InnovationClub@IGNOU was established at NCIDE in March 2015. The InnovationClub@IGNOU aims at creating a culture of innovation and motivating the faculty and students to be innovative.
One of the objectives of NCIDE is to encourage, recognise and promote innovations in distance education. Keeping this in view, the IGNOU has introduced a 'Gold Medal' for innovations in distance education.
Innovation Ambassador at IGNOU
The Ministry of Educationhas started a scheme of creating Innovation Ambassador from across the HEIs. NCIDE has encouraged and supported IGNOU faculty to undergo the Innovation Ambassador training of MOE. After completion of 30 hour online training and assessment, they are certified as Innovation Ambassadors by MOE. The interested faculty members are nominated from time to time.