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Dr. Meenu Verma

Assistant Professor

Dr. Meenu Verma is currently Assistant Professor in the school of Continuing Education at Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. She is specialized in the area of Home Science Extension & Communication. She received her Ph. D in Home Science Extension & Communication from Banaras Hindu University and was recipient of Junior Research Fellowship from UGC. She had worked with many NGOs related to socially and economically backward SHGs women during her Ph.D work and closely associated with women empowerment and skill up gradation programme.

Dr. Verma had many research contributions and publications to her credit in the areas of Gender Empowerment, Extension Education, Communication, Skill Training Programme, and Self Help Groups. She has also been members of different professional bodies. Her area of interest includes Skill up gradation programme, Self help groups, Traditional Communication, Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurship, Home Science Extension and Distance Education, Rural Development Programmes.

At present, Dr. Verma is Co-coordinator of Diploma in Event Management, Course Coordinator of MOOC (Event Coordination and Control - BHC-013) on SWAYAM & Ph. D course coordinator of RHCE-001 (Community Resource Management & Extension).

Currently she is involved in the development of PG Programme of M. Sc in Home Science.

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Official Address:
School of Continuing Education,
Maidan Garhi,
 New Delhi - 110068
New Delhi, India
  011-29572951, 9532770655
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[Updated on 03-Oct-2024]