IGNOU, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India, has launched this professional upgradation on-line programme in the area of food safety and quality that addresses the needs of training the workforce in this sector. The online programme is supported by CD-ROM and supplement course materials in print. The Programme focuses on knowledge upgradation and enrichment in the area of food safety, especially for Government functionaries, food industry workers and catering industry workers.
For Admission contact Regional Centre and apply online at the link.
Who Can Opt for this Programme?
The Certificate programme caters to the following clientele:
- Local health authorities;
- Food inspectors;
- Food service administratiors, supervisors and food incharges;
- Personnel engaged in food supplementation programmes for vulnerable groups;
- Workers in catering industry;
- Workers in food industry engaged in production and distribution of food products;
- Consumer groups/network, general public, home science graduates; and
- People interested in this area.
Programme Structure
This programme consists of total of 16 credits with the following three courses with credit weightage as indicated.