Yoga is essentially a practice based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind, body and spirit. It is a very powerful means to achieve physical, mental and emotional well being. Yoga paves the way to discover the self, the external world and the nature. It is an art and science for healthy living. Yoga has several benefits including education, health and stress management. Keeping this in mind, a certificate prgramme in Yoga is being launched by IGNOU with the following objectives in perspective :
After going through this particular programme the learner should able to
1. aware of the history and the contribution of various Yogis in the field of Yoga and
2. describe the basic principles and practice of yoga.
3. Attain both physical and mental health through Yoga.
This programme will be offered in January and July session. Admission will be offered through onlime admission system of the IGNOU. The Common Prospectus is available in IGNOU website. Students are requested to take online admission system in this programme.
Number of Students in each Programme Study Centre (PSC)
The Maximum number of students in each PSC will be not more than 50 students in each batch.
Selection Procedure
All eligible students will be offered admission in this proramme. However, if any study center is filled with the limited seat then students will be offered to other study centre.
Programme Implementation
The programe will be implemented though a network of programme study centre (PSCs) all over the country. Demonstration, supervision, hands on skill training is conducted at PSCs
Details of practical training and the training centre for the practical sessions will be updated time to time.
Assignment of this programme is available in the IGNOU website. All students are requested to download the assignments from the IGNOU website. Learners must submit their assignment to their Programme In-charge (PIC) within the date as mentioned in the assignment.
Course Code Assignments
CPY-001 1
CPY-002 1
CPYL-003 1
If any student failed in some assignment in particular course then he/she has to repeat assignment from the next batch/year.
For one practical courses, the assignment will be done like internal examination at the end of the 4th spell/contact session.
Term End Examination
Students need to submit the Term End Theory Examination Form in the IGNOU Regional Cetnre after duly signed by PIC. Submission of all assignment is pre-requisite to appear in Term End Theory Examination.
Form for Term End Practical Examination is available in Programme Guide. There is no fee for the Term End Practical Examination. Students need to submit the examination form to the concern PIC. The PIC should ensure that all the candidates appearing in the term end practical examination are eligible for the same after examining the following criteria:
1. Pass in all the continuous evaluation (all 2 coursers) conducted by the PSC
2. Attended all practical spell/contact sessions in the PSC
3. Having attendance 100 % in all practical spell/contact sessions.
For further details, please contact the following:
Phone Number: +91-11-29572851