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Organizing Committee
Key Note Speakers
Venue:- Le Meridien Kochi, India
Official Conference Manager
Conference Themes
Formal Education
Formal Education covers four sub-themes as follows:
Revamping Teacher Education
Open Schooling
Technologies for Scaling up ODL programmes
Quality Issues
Teacher education at all levels is crucial to assure quality. Scaling up of teacher education provision is possible only through information and communication technologies (ICTs). However, we need to consider quality issues and new ways of addressing teacher education. Open schooling is one way of assuring quality education for the under privileged whereas ODL is the methodology to scale up. Without an adequate number of trained teachers, the Millennium Development Goals will remain a distant dream. In this context, revamping teacher education becomes a priority.
Please note most sessions will involve short presentations by panels of speakers followed by discussion of key questions addressing the key theme of access to learning for development, or specific aspects of the main Forum themes.
All the Forum papers will be available on-line/under a Creative Commons license which means that they can be shared, adapted and reused freely. Many of the authors may like to publish open access versions of their papers in wiki Educator which means that the community can make contributions to the papers, provide links to other topics and websites and discuss the issues online.
The PCF6 website shall enable the participants to add their own commentaries and provide links to the papers and to other relevant research, learning resources and websites.
For more details about the themes and the crosscutting aspects, write to us:

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