Updated on 18 Mar, 2024
Indira Gandhi National Open University
IGNOU Staff Children Development Society (Creche)
- All the parents are requested to drop their children at the entrance of the Creche not before 9.30 AM and pick them up latest by 5.45 PM. In case of non-availability in the campus kindly ensure that some stand by arrangement is made to pick up the child on time.
- All the bottles and tiffin boxes should be labelled with the name of the child. A napkin should be provided with the tiffin box. For infants and toddlers bibs should be provided.
- Two sets of clothes and a towel may be provided for children below 3 years of age.
- Parents will be allowed in the creche only during lunch hours i.e.between 1.30 PM to 2.00 PM except for feeding mothers.
- Parents are requested not to bring their own lunch boxes to the creche premises and are also not permitted to have their lunch in the creche.
- Parents are requested to leave their shoes outside the creche.
- Parents are requested to take back their bed linen provided to the creche.
- Payment of fees should be made by the 10th of every month. In case of failure to do so a penalty of Rs.100/- will be charged for that month as late fee. In case no fee is paid by the parents till the end of the month, the child will not be permitted in the creche in the next month.
- Parents are advised not to drop children who are suffering from illnesses like fever, cold & cough, diahorrea, dysentery, food poisoning etc.
- Parents are advised not to drop children suffering from contagious diseases like chickenpox, measles, mumps, jaundice and other such ailments.
- In case of special needs/requirements of their children the parents are advised to give in writing to the Committee Members.
- In case of complaints/grievances, parents are requested to write the complaint in the complaint register which will be available with the Caretaker. The parents should not take up any complaints/grievances directly with any employees of the Creche. The complaint/grievance will be addressed by the President, IGNOU SCDS at a time convenient to the parents and the Committee.
- Parents are requested to give their suggestions for the betterment of the creche and services. The suggestions may be given in the register which will be available with the Caretaker.
- All parents are requested to provide a passport size photograph of their child/ children.
The above guidelines will come into effect from 23rd May, 2011. All Parents are requested to cooperate with the above.
- All the staff of Creche including Caretaker are supposed to report for duty at sharp 9.30 am daily and leave at not before 6.00 pm.
- Daily signing of register is compulsory and timings should also be mentioned. The attendance register will be taken for checking at 9.45 am in the morning and 5.45 pm in the evening. Those not present on time i.e. before 9.45 am for three working days will forgo half day of leave.
- All staff members are expected to come neatly dressed to work.
- The staff members are expected to have their lunch only in the dining area of the creche.
- The staff members should not be found sleeping during working hours i.e. between 9.30 am and 5.45 pm.
- All the utensils of the children will be washed in rotation by the Ayahs as per the time table provided by the Caretaker.
- Towels, Bed-Sheets and Pillow Covers of the creche should be washed on a weekly basis by the Ayahs as per the time table provided by the Caretaker.
- The Caretaker should ensure that the creche is swept and swopped and thoroughly cleaned twice a day.
- The Caretaker should also ensure that the Cupboards, the Fridge, Hot-Case, RO System, Toys and other equipment are regularly cleaned and serviced and maintained properly.
All members are requested to strictly comply with the above.
Prof. Manjulika Srivastava
President (IGNOU, SCDS)
Issued on 1-4-2012