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Screen Reader Access
Associate Projects

This Programme is being offered in collaboration with Department of Women and Child Development (DWCD), Ministry of HRD for the empowerment of women at the grassroot/low literacy level through the strategy of Self Help Groups. Certain exemptions have been made for this programme such as anyone, who is above the age of 18 and can read and write the language opted for as medium of instruction (Hindi, English, Gujarati, Tamil, Marathi and Braille), can undertake the course of study. At the same time, incentives have been offered by DWCD and NABARD in the form of freeships and reimbursement of fees respectively. A unique feature of this project is the establishment of the Direct Satellite Receiving System at 150 centres all over the country for regular teleconferencing with this disadvantaged section of society.

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[Updated on 12-Sep-2024]