Updated on 16 Jul, 2013
Prof. Bikram Keshari Pattanaik
Prof. B. K. Pattanaik possesses Master’s Degree in Analytical and Applied Economics, MA in Human Resource Management and Ph.D. in Economics. He has 20 years of experience to his credit in various National level Organizations i.e. NCERT and NIHFW, New Delhi and CRRID (An ICSSR Centre), Chandigarh. He has authored 2 books, co-authored 4 books and has published more than 100 Papers in various Journals. He has to his credit in completing 26 projects sponsored by various international agencies i.e. World Bank, USAID, Ford Foundation, UNICEF, European Commission, UNFPA, Bill Gates Foundation and projects sponsored by various government departments i.e. Department of Panchayati Raj, Rural Development, Health and Family Welfare of Government of India and also various departments of State Governments of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh on various areas of development i.e. Drinking Water and Sanitation, Border Area Study, Migrant Labour, Contract Farming, Study on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Health and Family Welfare, Panchayati Raj, Education, Rural Development and Decentralized Planning.
Prof. Pattanaik has attended various International Seminars, Conferences and Study Tours and visited to countries such as USA, China, Spain and Finland. Recently, he has organized an International Conference on Diaspora and Development at IGNOU in which more than 100 participants from 25 different countries have participated. Prof. Pattanaik is member of many learned Bodies and has been awarded by American Biographical Institute, USA and International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, London.
Click here for detailed CV
Official Address:School of Extension and Development Studies,
Indira Gandhi National Open University,
Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi -
New Delhi, India
bkpattanaik@ignou.ac.in, soeds@ignou.ac.in