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Updated on 13 Jun, 2023

Prof. Dolly Mathew



'She has also extensively contributed to research journals and edited volumes. Some of her research papers are ‘Bureaucracy: Changing Roles and Relationship-A Transformative Agenda’ in Good Governance Initiatives in India, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003; ‘Partnership in Health and Disaster Management for Risk Reduction in South Asia’ in ‘Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia’ Sahni, P. And M.M. Ariyabandu, ed., PHI Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2003; ‘People’s Participation in Governance’ Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. L, Number 2, April-June 2004, IIPA, New Delhi; ‘Information Technology and Public Health Management of Disasters – A Model for South Asian Countries’ in ‘Pre-hospital and Disaster Medicine’, Official Journal of the World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine and the Nordic Society of Disaster Medicine, Madison, Wisconsin, US, Vol. 20, Number 1, Jan-Feb 2005; ‘Role of Information and Communication Technology in Administration: Indian Experience’ in Arora, R.K. And R.M. Khandelwal, ed. Good Governance-Initiatives and Impact, Paragon International Publishers, New Delhi, 2008; ‘Bhagidari Programme: Rebuilding Administrative Culture through Partnership: A Critical Appraisal’ in ‘Urban Governance in India: Major Issues and Challenges’ by Sharma Rajvir, Research India Press, New Delhi, 2009; ‘Gram Sabha: An Institution of Participatory Governance for Development: A Critical Study’ in Local Government Quarterly, All India Institute of Local Self-Government, Mumbai, Jan-March 2009; ‘Theory and Practice in Public Administration’ in Conference Proceedings of American Society of Public Administration, Vol.II. 2011; and 'Kudumbashree Mission in Kerala-An Initiative towards Governancing' in edited volume Good Governance-The Changing Contours by Sheela Reddy and Mamta Pathania, Research India Press,New Delhi, 2019.

In IGNOU she has contributed to the M.A. Programme in Public Administration and Disaster Management Programme.


Official Address:
School of Social Sciences ,
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU),
Maidan Garhi,
New Delhi - 110068
New Delhi, India
  +91-011-29535910, 29572728
  dolly.mathew9@gmail.com, d.mathew@ignou.ac.in
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[Updated on 13-Sep-2024]