This programme would provide both academic learning and professional education and training in counselling, extending beyond theoretical knowledge. This programme is tailored to suit counselors working in a wide range of organizational and community contexts as well as individuals in a family. With the fast-changing social scenario, the problems being faced by people across the board are numerous. Unlike in the western world, counselling services are very inadequate in India. There is a growing demand for counselors in schools, corporate sector, health care setting, social and welfare sectors, correctional settings etc. However, schools/universities where counselling course/programme are taught in India are very few. There is a good potential for employment in government as well as NGO sectors. There is an urgent need for specially trained counselors to handle the stress of employees working with call centres, corporate sectors, families, family courts, correctional settings, school, universities and educational institutions, rehabilitation centres, refugee camps, institutions for the differently abled, aged, child care and adoption centres, family planning, voluntary counselling and testing centres, rural sectors especially where farmers are driven to commit suicide, de-addiction centres etc.
Field Work Components
One of the important pillars of the MSW: Counselling programme is the Fieldwork Practicum. The University has prepared two Field Work Journals in the 1st and 2nd year separately. Each year, learners are expected to successfully complete 16 credits of Field Work Practicum under the guidance of a professionally qualified Social Worker, which includes concurrent field visits and the block placement. The coordinator at the Study Centre will provide you with an approved guide who has done MSW/M.A. (Social Work). Only qualified guide can supervise you for your field work; this is mandatory. Therefore, ensure from the coordinator of the concerned study centre that your supervisor has formal qualification in social work at post-graduation level. Completion of Field Work in MSW Ist year is mandatory for starting social work practicum of second year.