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Live Telecast on Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR)- New Legal Dimensions

29 April, 2014

Topic: Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) – New Legal Dimensions

Date/Time: 03rd May, 2014 (Saturday) , 4-5 p.m

Venue: EMPC, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi

Station: Gyan Darshan-1

Telephone No: 011- 2953844, 45

Panel of Experts:

1. Ms. Neelam Gupta, President, Aroh Foundtation, Noida, UP.

2. Mr. Nikhil Pant, Chief Programme Executive, NFCSR, IICA, Gurgaon, Haryana.

3. Mr. Kumar, Advocate.

4. Mr. Amardeep Singh Bhatia, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Corporate affairs, New Delhi

5. Prof. K. Elumalai, Director, School of Law, IGNOU

The Programme can also be viewed live on the following webcast link: http://www.ignouonline.ac.in/Broadcast

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[Updated on 01-May-2024]