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Call for Participation - National Research Workshop on Media and Information Literacy

05 July, 2018

School of Journalism and New Media Studies, IGNOU is Conducting 9-day National Research Workshop on Exploring the interplay between Media and Information literacy (MIL) & Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) from 4 to 12 September, 2018.

The objectives of the workshop are to:

1. facilitate understanding of the interplay between MIL and SDGs
2. explore the potential issues within the realm of MIL for SDGs
3. train the scholars on the basics of statistics and software;
4. develop an individual research proposal on the interplay between MIL and SDGs

Registration for workshop:

The workshop is intended to take 30 participants. Registration fee: Rs. 3000 for the academics and practitioners, Rs. 1500 for the research scholars enrolled as M.Phil/PhD scholars. Travel and accommodation would be participant’s responsibility (Accommodation: School will facilitate where necessary). Registration form link is available here https://goo.gl/forms/v1Rq6wQvxVSBK2A52 and last date for registration is 27 July, 2018.

More details in this document


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[Updated on 19-Sep-2024]