It provides opportunity for educating and training the instructors of the visually impaired. Orients towards assistive and informative technologies, Provides hands on experience and includes training and practical work.
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At IGNOU multi media approach is adopted for delivering instruction. The various instructional components are self instructional print material, hands on experiences, audio and /video program’s and assignments
Print material
The print materials are self instructional material in nature. It is supplied to the students in the form of blocks. Each block contains 2-5 units. The university provides study material and assignments to the students.
Audio- video program
The audio and video programs are supplementary, meant for clarification and enhancement of understanding. Besides the video programs are telecast on the national network of Gyan Dharshan and audio programs are broad cast on Gyan Vani Channel. Students can confirm the dates of telecast and broad cast for the program from their program study center.
Assignments are integral component of the instructional system. There is one assignment for each course. Students will have to work on these assignments. These assignments are submitted to the program study center.
This program has practical and hands on experience components also.
Theory: for theory courses, evaluation comprises of three aspects.
a) Self- evaluation exercises within each unit of study(Non –credit)
b) Continuous evaluation in the form of periodic compulsory assignment. This carries a weight age of 15% fro each course
c) The term end examination has a weight age of 35% of the total for each course. Term end examination will be held in June/December in a year.
a) Continuous evaluation of practical assignments. This carries weight age of 35% for each course.
b) Evaluation of performance in practical examination. This carries weight age of 15% of total for each course.