The Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) programme of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has been designed with the aim to develop an understanding of teaching-learning process at secondary and senior-secondary level among student teachers. It focuses on enabling student-teachers to reflect critically on perspectives of education and integrate holistically the theory and practices to facilitate active engagement of learners for knowledge creation.
The B.Ed. programme focuses on:
- developing an understanding of context of education in contemporary Indian Society,
- appreciating the role of context and socio-political realities about learners in facilitating learning in inclusive settings,
- creating sensitivity about language diversity in classroom and its role in teaching-learning process
- developing an understanding of paradigm shift in conceptualizing disciplinary knowledge in school curriculum,
- identifying, challenging and overcoming gender inequalities in school, classroom, curricula, textbook, social institutions, etc.,
- enabling student-teachers to acquire necessary competencies for organizing learning experiences,
- developing competencies among student-teachers to select and use appropriate assessment strategies for facilitating learning,
- engaging student-teachers with self, child, community and school to establish close connections between different curricular areas,
- enabling student-teachers to integrate and apply ICT in facilitating teaching-learning process and in school management,
- systematizing experiences and strengthening the professional competencies of student teachers, and
- providing first-hand experience of all the school activities through engaging student-teachers as interns in secondary/senior secondary schools.
Admission shall be done on the basis of the score obtained in the entrance test conducted by IGNOU all over India.
The candidate will be required to submit the filled-in application form with self-attested copies of documents as specified in Entrance-cum-Admission Form. The original documents are to be submitted later for verification, after receiving offer letter for admission.
The Entrance Test will be held on the date mentioned in the advertisement. Hall tickets will be uploaded on IGNOU website; www.ignou.ac.in for appearing in the Entrance Test.
Mere allowing candidates to take Entrance Test would not amount to acceptance of their eligibility for admission to B.Ed. The final admission to the programme shall be subject to their rank in the merit list in the Entrance Test and production of proof of their eligibility at the time of last date of submission of application for admission to B.Ed. programme along with original certificates and programme fee.
The number of seats of each PSC is limited to 50 only. The university reserves the right to conduct the examination at different centers/change the examination centre of the candidates without assigning any reason thereof.
Programme Fee
Rs. 55000/-
Candidates seeking admission to the B.Ed. programme are advised not to pay the fee along with the filled-in application form. They will get a separate communication about their admission and payment of fee.
The programme fee should be paid only by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of IGNOU payable at the city where your Regional Centre is situated. Please write in capital letters your name and the programme to which admission is sought, i.e., B.Ed., on the back of the Demand Draft to ensure proper credit of your fee to the relevant account.
CLICK HERE for Information Brochure
Programme Coordinators: Prof. C. B. Sharma (
cbsharma@ignou.ac.in, 011-29572936) and Prof. D.Venkateshwarlu (dvenkatesh@ignou.ac.in, 01129572962)
The B.Ed. programme delivery system includes the multi-media approach, i.e., self-instructional print material, audio/video components, assignments, counselling sessions, individual and group activities and practical work in schools during internship, and workshops.
Counselling Sessions
Generally the counselling sessions will be held at the Programme Study Centres (PSCs) during weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) and long holidays. Within the general schedule of the programme, the coordinators at the Programme Study Centres (PSCs) will decide on the conduct of these sessions. The Programme Study Centre coordinators will also provide the counselling schedule in advance during first-induction meeting. The counselling sessions will include clarifications required in the print material and audio/video programmes through active interaction with student-teachers. In general practice, 10% of total credit weightage duration is assigned to counseling sessions.
For example, for a course of 4 credits worth, counselling sessions will be organized for 12 hours, i.e. 6 sessions of two hours each as per nature and demand of the course.
The system of evaluation, both for theory and practical work, is as follows:
Theory: For theory courses, evaluation comprises three aspects:
a) Self-evaluation exercises within each unit of study (non-credit).
b) Continuous evaluation in the form of periodic compulsory tasks/ assignments. This carries a weightage of 30% for each course. One task/assignment in each theory course is compulsory.
c) The term-end examination has a weightage of 70% of the total for each course.
Term-end examinations will be held in June/December every year. As an illustration, for the candidates of academic year (January-2016), the first term-end examination will be held in December 2016 only for first year courses. The students will be permitted to appear in the term-end examination for the courses of 2nd year only in December 2017.
Practical: For Practical courses, evaluation comprises three aspects:
1. Continuous assessment of the activities at school during internship by mentors.
2. Assessment of portfolio and reflective journal of the student-teacher, which is being prepared during internship.
3. Assessment of Reports/Assignments related to EPC
4. Assessment of performance in workshops.
5. Assessment during internship by a teacher educator appointed by RC/SOE.
SOE will develop essential assessment tools for assessing various activities during internship.
Any learner will not be allowed to participate in both workshops i.e. Workshop I and II in the same year. IInd Year workshop will be allowed after a year of attending the first year workshop.
The learner will have to obtain at least D grade in each course in both continuous and terminal evaluation separately. However, the overall average should be at least C grade for the successful completion of a course.
If a learner has missed any term-end examination of a course for any reason, he/she may appear in the subsequent term-end examination. This facility will be available until a student secures the minimum pass grade, but only up to a period of five years from the date of registration.
The letter grade system is used for grading continuous and terminal examination components. These letter grades are:
Letter grade
Qualitative level
Point grade
Very Good
80% & above
Below 40%
The rounding off decimal point in Grade card/Mark Sheet to the next mark in case decimal point is between 0.5 and 0.9 and no change in case it is between 0.1 to 0.4.
The student will be declared successful if he/she scores at least C grade in theory courses and practical courses separately.
SOE has devised a systematic monitoring mechanism. Various strategies for monitoring, such as regular periodic field visit by the faculty, collection of regular feedback from both the learners and study center coordinators, interaction with learners through ICT etc., periodic orientation of coordinators/ counsellors/ supervisors/ mentors, etc. and maintaining specified record by the PSCs as well as university will be the essential components of the mechanism. SOE faculty will be involved actively in all activities of monitoring.
For more clarification, see the following links:
1. FAQs on Eligibility for Admission in B.Ed. (ODL)
2. Information on Corrections in/modifications of NCTE Regulations, 2014
3. NCTE ( Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2014, Freqently Asked Questions on ODL Programmes