The Bachelor Degree Programme in Facility Management is aimed to provide the in-depth knowledge about the core competencies required to work in the organizations providing facility management services to the clients. This programme is job-oriented and also inculcates and strengthens the entrepreneurships skills among the learners. The said programme is offered in modular mode having multiple entries and exit - one year Certificate, two years Diploma and three/four years Bachelor degree.
The broad objectives of the Programme includes:
Knowledge:After completion of programme the learners will be able to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge of facts, concepts, principles, theories and processes related with Facility and Services Management. Will demonstrate the acquisition of procedural knowledge for performing skilled tasks associated with the Facility and Services Management.
Skills:After completion of programme the learners will be able to demonstrate the acquisition of a range of cognitive and technical skills required for accomplishing assigned tasks related to Facility and Services Management, demonstrate the acquisition of cognitive skills required to identify, analyze and synthesize information received from various source in actual job situation, demonstrate the acquisition of cognitive and technical skills required for selection and use of relevant methods, tools, techniques, and materials in solving problems in actual job situation.
Application of Knowledge & Skills:After completion of programme the learners will be able to demonstrate the ability to apply the acquired theoretical and technical knowledge, a range of cognitive and practical skills in selecting and using appropriate tools, methods, materials, and information required to resolve the problems arisen in actual job situation in area of Facility and Services Management.
Generic Learning Outcomes:After completion of programme the learners will be able to demonstrate the ability of listening carefully, reading and grasping text related to Facility and Services Management and will analytically present the information, demonstrate the ability of expressing thoughts and ideas effectively to other groups clearly and precisely, demonstrate the ability of meeting their own learning needs and will peruse self-directed and self-managed learning to upgrade their cognitive skills and practical skills required for higher level of education or training, demonstrate the ability of critical thinking, critically evaluating principles and theories related to Facility and Services Management, and Demonstrate the ability of making decisions on the basis of analysis of facts, data, information, and evidences available for situation.
Constitutional, Humanistic, Ethical, and Moral Values: After completion of programme the learners will be able to demonstrate the ability of willingness to practice constitutional, humanistic, ethical, and moral values in their own life and put forward convincing arguments to respond to the ethical and moral issues associated with actual job situations. Employability & Entrepreneurship skills: After completion of programme the learners will be able to demonstrate the ability of acquisition of knowledge, essential skills required to perform effectively in actual job situation, and demonstrate the ability to exercise the responsibility to complete assigned task to them and for the team.