Anthropology is the study of human beings in time and space. The programme is based on integrated approach to the subject incorporating insights from physical, social and archaeological anthropology. The thrust is laid on an in-depth understanding involving holistic approach of Anthropology using theoretical and practical techniques. The programme is aimed at developing professional competence of the subject in light of perceivable need for trained anthropologists in academic and research institutes, NGO‘s, government organizations, health sectors and applied sciences. The focus of the programme is to equip the learners to employ anthropological insight to understand and relate contemporary biosocial shift. It provides an opportunity to a large segment of people desirous to understand essence of the subject.
Discuss the evolution, growth, and development of Anthropology; Demonstrate the scope and subfields of Anthropology (Social-cultural, Physical/Biological, Archaeological, and Linguistic anthropology) in understanding human evolution and variation; Identify and discuss the newer areas in the discipline of Anthropology and critically examine the methods and approaches of study in Anthropology.