In tune with the New Education Policy 2020 and in line with the UGC Guidelines on multiple entry-exit, credit norms and national higher education qualification framework, the MA Economics Programme has been restructured. The programme is being offered in semester mode consisting of four semesters of 20 credits each. Thus, the total credits of the programme are 80 credits. While all the courses in first, second and third semester are compulsory, in the fourth semester student may opt any area of specialization out of the four groups (A-Data Analytics, B-Energy and Environmental Economics, C-Insurance and Finance, D-Social Policy) by completing 20 credit courses from that particular group. The student not willing to have specialization may opt any 20 credit courses out of the four groups (A,B,C,D). The programme aims to develop the abilities of the learners to explain the functioning of the economy and enhance their analytical skills to enable them to get the jobs in the market.
The objectives of the programme are to:
Credits: 6
3 Semester