MAHI: Masters of Arts (History)(ODL) Apply Now


The programme will equip students to be excellent researchers, teachers, writers, professionals and socially aware citizens. Divided into four semesters having total 80 credits one can do two years of masters after completing three years of bachelor‘s degree. M.A. History programme is open to graduates from any discipline. Moving away from conventional way of teaching history in terms of period like ancient, medieval and modern, this programme is developed around themes like social, economic, political developments in Indian history since earliest times to post- independent India. This will help in understanding the process of continuity and change in a comparative perspective. Elective courses have been developed in diverse areas focusing on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. The programme is devised in such a manner that a learner will get opportunity to develop expertise in broad historical process of development and analytical aptitude.


The programme will equip students to be excellent researchers, teachers, writers, professionals and socially aware citizens. Moving away from conventional way of teaching history in terms of period like ancient, medieval and modern, this programme is developed around themes like social, economic, political developments in Indian history since earliest times to post- independent India. This will help in understanding the process of continuity and change in a comparative perspective.

Courses Structure