According to 2011 census, 377 million people are residing in urban areas. It is estimated that India’s urban population will reach a figure close to 558.8 million by 2031. It is not simply a demographic shift. It places cities and towns at the center of India’s development trajectory. The urbanization has created sundry of problems and also opportunities. However, criticality of the urban problems, issues and challenges and opportunities have not been properly understood due to less emphasis on urban development issues in the academic curriculum at the graduation and post-graduation levels. One of the estimation shows that at least 33 percent of the Indian urban population lives in slums with related implications to development. The unbridled and unplanned urbanization will be a problem before the urban planners and policy makers in the years to come. Therefore, proper planning and management of urban development programmes hold the key for the planners and policy makers today. MAUS will help learners to understad and spread awaraness.