Course Introduction: |
Object oriented analysis and design is a popular paradigm of analysis and design of the systems. This Course is designed to help in learning object oriented analysis and design concepts. This Course is having coverage of UML diagrams and will help in developing understanding in the area of system analysis and design concepts using object-oriented approach. This Course will cover different aspects of OOAD with explaining object modeling dynamic modeling and functional modeling. The topics covered in the course include: Object Oriented Modeling and UML Introduction to Object Oriented Modelling: OOT Object Oriented Modeling, Characteristics Object Oriented Modeling (Class and Objects, Links and Association, Generalization and Inheritance), An Object Model, Benefits of OO Modeling, Introduction to OOAD tools 41 Object Oriented Analysis: Object Oriented Analysis, Problem Statement: an Example, Differences between Structured Analysis and Object Oriented Analysis, Analysis Techniques (Object Modeling, Dynamic Modeling, Functional Modeling), Adding Operations, Analysis Iteration Using UML: UML: Introduction, Object Model Notations: Basic Concepts, Structural Diagrams (Class, Object, Composite, Package, Component, Deployment), Behavioural Diagrams (Use Case, Communication, Sequence, Interaction Overview, Activity, State), Modelling with Objects Object Oriented Design System Design: System Design: An Object-Oriented Approach, Breaking into Subsystems, Concurrency Identification, Management of data store, Controlling events between Objects, Handling Boundary Conditions Object Design: Object Design for Processing, Object Design Steps, designing a Solution, Choosing Algorithms, Choosing Data Structures, Defining Classes and delegation of Responsibilities to Methods Advance Object Design: Control and its Implementation (Control as a State within Program, Control as State Machine Engine, Control as Concurrent Task), Inheritance Adjustment, Association: Design, Object Representation, Design Optimization, Design Documentation Modeling Object Modeling: Advance Modeling Concepts (Aggregation, Abstract Class), Multiple Inheritance, Generalization as an Extension, Generalization as a Restriction, Metadata, Constraints, An Object Model Dynamic Modeling: Events, State and State Diagram, Elements of State Diagrams, Examples of State Diagrams, Advance Concepts in Dynamic Modeling, Concurrency, A Dynamic model Functional Modeling: Functional Models, Data Flow Diagrams, Features of a DFD, Design flaws in DFD, A Functional model, Relationship between Object, Dynamic, and Functional Models Implementation Implementation Strategies: Implementation (Using Programming Languages, Using Database System), Unidirectional Implementation, Bi-directional Implementation, implementing associations, Implementing Constraints, Implementing State charts, Persistency Object Mapping with Databases: Relational Database Schema for Object Modes, Object Classes to Database Tables, Mapping Associations to Tables, Mapping Generalizations to Tables, Interfacing to Database, Object Mapping with Databases: an Example. |