IGNOU has been entrusted with the responsibility of National Coordinator for Swayam Prabha for six channels (Ch 11 to 16) which are presently operational from 1st September 2023 after reorganization of earlier channels.
Since its initiation, the Swayam Prabha project at IGNOU has been housed at Centre for Online Education (COE) at IGNOU HQs at New Delhi from where these channels are coordinated for production of videos, scheduling, organising live sessions and overall management in
The channel aims to initiate new ways of learning by educating students with better and improved methods of curriculum. Social Sciences and Humanities Channel run by IGNOU covers some of the Post Graduate (PG), UG and Certificate courses etc., offered by the University. The channel offers education through video lectures and students can access digital repositories from Swayam Prabha portal.
The channel aims to extend outreach of basic and applied sciences by offering a range of multi–media educational contents on various disciplines of sciences and other Inter-Disciplinary and Trans Disciplinary sectors and structuring them at awareness, certificate and diploma level courses for development of skills, entrepreneurship and professionalism in Applied Sciences, Inter-Disciplinary and Trans-Disciplinary sectors. The channel provides curricula and courses that meet the educational requirements of lifelong learners.
Professional Education Channel intends to impart knowledge and skills to require for entry into specific professions or occupations, obtained through educational institutions or training programs in order to bridge the Human Resource gap in the Economy. The channel covers courses on various sectors that meet the needs of today's workplace, and help individuals develop their talent and abilities for future career progression. It aim at providing learners with the professionals they need to succeed in the world of work and provide employers with the talented employees they need to boost their long – term portability and growth.
State Open Universities and GyanDarshan Channel aims to bring about lifelong learning to learners residing in various parts of the country and fulfil the learning needs of the different communities. The channel intends to bring about purposeful and effective learning in the form of non-formal education, supplementary education, open and distance education.
It aims to strengthen the needs of lifelong learners with special reference to youth, school drop-outs, and women, unemployed, self-employed workers with such qualities and skills that will enhance their living standards and expand their capabilities. It serves as supplementary knowledge resources for people already engaged in different professions or enrolled in academic programmes in different open universities of the country and enhance professionalism.
Channel 15 caters to the training needs of various functionaries of higher education system in the country. The focus of contemporary staff development has been on: Digital Learning Resources, OER and MOOCs, Curriculum and Instructional Design, Multidisciplinary and Holistic Education, Credit Accumulation/Accreditation of Prior Learning, Academic Bank of Credits, Digital Pedagogy/Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning/Deep Learning/Learning Analytics, Online and Blended Learning, Disability and Special Need Education, and Research Skills.
Channel 16 aims to provide education and training for skills development and to meet the vocational as well as technical requirements for economic development of the country. Videos provide quality vocational education and training in accordance with the needs of the job market, to contribute employable skills among youth and adults, Demand driven and value added videos offered through this channel, targets the formal and informal sectors.