BAFJDM: B.A. in Journalism and Digital Media(ODL) Apply Now


The BA Journalism and Digital Media programme emphasises four core components: media and communication courses, digital and online media courses, courses related to Creative Technologies, and courses pertinent to digital and interactive media and required programming. The objective of the BAFJDM focus on acquiring journalistic skills such as reporting, writing, editing, and publishing, alongside understanding specialised subject-based reporting processes. They emphasise grasping the concepts and characteristics of digital media platforms, including their growth, cross-national dynamics, interaction with social institutions, advantages, limitations, and the nature of digital media audiences. The programme aims to apply journalistic skills and digital media knowledge to digital journalism, focusing on forms, methods, and techniques of news gathering and presentation. It also highlights the importance of explaining journalistic and digital media concepts within the context of social and cultural dynamics. It seeks to develop proficiency in research methods, particularly in big data, data mining, and data analytics, supported by a solid foundation in statistical knowledge.


The BA Journalism and Digital Media (BAFJDM) programme primarily emphasises four core components: media and communication courses, digital and online media courses, courses related to journalistic practices, and courses pertinent to digital and interactive media. The following are the broad objectives of BAFJDM:

  1. To acquire journalistic skills such as reporting, writing, editing and publishing techniques;
  2. To describe the process involved in the specialised subject-based reporting;
  3. To understand the concepts and characteristics of digital media platforms, including its growth, cross-national dynamics, relationship with other social institutions, merits and limitations of the platform and, specifically, the nature of the digital media audience;
  4. To apply journalistic skills and digital media understanding in the new form of news gathering and presentation - digital journalism. Three specific sets of skills will be familiarised - forms, methods and techniques;
  5. To explain the journalistic skills, digital media understanding and application side of digital journalism within the realm of a sound knowledge of the social and cultural dynamics and
  6. To acquire the knowledge and skills of research methods. This includes sound statistical knowledge, data mining and analytics, particularly in big data.

Courses Structure