BSCFMT: B.Sc. (Mathematics)(ODL) Apply Now


The design of undergraduate programmes under UGC-FYUP in accordance with NEP 2020 scheme offers opportunities and avenues to learn not only core subjects but also to explore additional avenues of learning beyond the core subjects for holistic development of an individual. The B.Sc. (Mathematics) programme will orient the learners towards how contribute to the advancement of knowledge in a holistic manner, apart from making the learners aware with the best international academic practices.


The salient advantages of the programme are as follows: Shift in focus from the teacher-centric to learner-centric education; Learners may undertake as many credits as they can cope up without repeating all the courses in a given semester if they fail in one/more courses; Learners can choose a wide variety of courses from the basket of discipline specific courses, inter-disciplinary courses, skill enhancement courses, ability enhancement courses, value added courses and vocational courses according to their learning needs, interests and aptitude.

Courses Structure

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BMTC-131: Calculus

Credits: 6
1 Semester

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BMTC-132: Differential Equations

Credits: 6
2 Semester

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BMTC-133: Real Analysis

Credits: 6
4 Semester

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BMTC-134: Algebra

Credits: 6
5 Semester

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BMTE-141: Linear Algebra

Credits: 6
4 Semester

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BMTE-144: Numerical Analysis

Credits: 6
5 Semester

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