CAHT: Certificate in Anti Human Trafficking(ODL) Apply Now


Certificate in Anti Human Trafficking Programme was launched in July, 2010 and is offered in association with Ministry of Home affairs,GOI, New Delhi. This programme has been launched with a view that it would help learners to understand the various contours of human trafficking. Since trafficking is an organized crime, so it needs a professional method to handle it. Undeniably along with stringent punishment the need of the hour is the proper rehabilitation of the victims. We hope that the scheme of this programme would enable the learner to have a deep knowledge of the various rehabilitative schemes. Further the Programme is planned in such a way to help students know what are the different legislation in India regarding curbing human trafficking and what are the reasons for the poor implementation of these laws. This programme will also develop a practical approach and sensitization towards the issues of Human Trafficking.


bring about awareness and provide comprehensive understanding to the learners in Anti Human Trafficking;

  • develop functional understanding and coordination amongst learners about various stake holders/ agencies associated with the process of Human Trafficking directly or indirectly;
  • create awareness building in the area of law, policies, rehabilitation and prevention aspects of Human Trafficking amongst the learners;
  • develop practical skills for learners to engage with the process of understanding, Rehabilitation, prevention and reintegration of Human Trafficking;
  • prepare well informed professionals, those working in the government agencies, civil society organizations and corporate sectors about the courses and depthness of Human Trafficking and the ways for prevention, rehabilitation, and reintegration;

Courses Structure

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BLE-031: Understanding Human Trafficking

Credits: 4
1 Semester

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BLE-032: Law Policies and Institutional Response to Human Trafficking

Credits: 4
1 Semester

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BLE-033: Rehabilitation and Prevention

Credits: 4
1 Semester

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BLEP-034: Project

Credits: 4
1 Semester

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