Due to indiscriminate use of chemicals in agriculture, the soil fertility has been deteriorating besides other negative environmental consequences. These factors have greatly impacted the agricultural production including the health of the domestic animals. The biological cycle manifested in the agricultural production system is now imbalanced. The plant health, soil microbial biodiversity, and quality of the food items have gone down due to climate change and use of chemicals. The organic farming on other hand is the production of food through raising the plants and animals without use of any chemical following certain prescribed standards and norms.
The university has started Certificate in Organic Farming Programme through ODL to cater to the educational and skill requirements of various stakeholders engaged in the production, certification and marketing of the organic products. This is a six months duration programme and any secondary pass learner may enrol in this programme. It has four courses having information about production, certification and marketing of organic food products.
to Impart knowledge and proficiency in Organic production practices, Certification process and marketing of organically raised agricultural produces Promote self employment and income generation.