The School of Agriculture (SOA) was established in 2005 with a mission to improve and sustain the quality of human life and productivity of Agriculture and allied sectors through Open and Distance education.

Extend outreach of agriculture education by harnessing convergence between ODL and conventional system through national and international linkages.

Improve and sustain the quality of human life and productivity of Agriculture and Allied Sectors through ODL.

Presently School has three disciplines namely Agricultural Production System; Agriculture Economics & Extension; and Food Science & Technology. There are 7 faculty members coordinating 18 ODL and one on-line programmes and 7 MOOCs in the area of Agriculture and allied sectors at different levels. The School also organises need based training programmes, undertakes systemic research and fosters collaborations with different organisations to disseminate education and build skills in agriculture and allied sectors. The School is coordinating one SWAYAM PRABHA Channel.
  • To strengthen the human resource in agriculture and allied sector through ODL;
  • To provide equitable quality education in agriculture to marginalized and disadvantaged groups;
  • To enhance knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial capabilities for livelihood security;
  • To use ICT in improving outreach and effectiveness of distance education in agriculture;
  • To conduct research in emerging areas for effective technology transfer and adoption;
  • To established national and international linkages in agriculture education and knowledge management for sustainable development;
  • To plan and conduct research and training through ODL in agriculture production and management system under different locations including North-Eastern Regions; and
  • To develop and maintain an open repository of agricultural educational resources.
The University’s Board of Management in its 74th meeting held on 28/02/2003 approved the establishment of School of Agriculture.
The School of Agriculture came into existence in 2005.
The School started with 2 programmes in 2005 and currently offering 19 programmes including Ph.D., PG, UG, Diploma and Certificate programmes.
The School is also offering one on-line programme and 7 MOOCs.
The School signed MoU with different organizations:
  • Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
  • International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
  • Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
  • National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI)
  • Central Silk Board
  • Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)
  • Food Industry Capacity and Skill Initiative
  • Agriculture Skill Council of India
  • Institute of Cost Accountants of India
The School received grant-in-aid from the following Organisation:
  • National Horticulture Mission, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GOI• Department of Land Resources, MoRD, GOI
  • Department of Land Resources, MoRD, GOI
  • Ministry of Food Processing Industries, GOI

The School is involved in teaching, research and extension activities.
The School has conducted more than 50 need-based training programmes including two model training programmes for extension functionaries funded by Directorate of Extension, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, GOI.
The School had completed one NAIP-ICAR Research Project.
The School organised one International Conference and one Regional Seminar.
The School has established one Study Centre in the School of Agriculture and food processing lab.

The agriculture sector has been evolving rapidly, particularly over the last 20-25 years. Farmers are increasingly using high-cost inputs to achieve higher production per unit area. They not only work hard to maximize production but also aim for more returns from the available farm resources. The continuous advancement of technology and innovation in the agriculture sector necessitates the upgradation of knowledge and skills among farmers and rural communities. Ensuring access to quality agricultural education at the doorstep of farmers and rural youth is the need of the hour to empower them.

In this direction, a significant step was taken in 2005 with the establishment of the School of Agriculture at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).The mission of the school is to improve and sustain productivity and enhance the quality of human life in rural areas through the Open and Distance Learning System (ODL) in agriculture and allied Sectors.

The School of Agriculture offers a total of 18 education programmes in agriculture, keeping in view the requirements of the farming community, rural youth, women, unemployed youths, technicians, entrepreneurs and working professionals. These educational programmes are significant for sensitization, building employable skills, entrepreneurship development and capacity building. Agribusiness management, food safety, agriculture policy, agri cost management, value addition and processing of fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat technology, watershed management, horticulture, sericulture, water harvesting, poultry farming, beekeeping, organic farming and dairy farming are important areas covered for imparting agricultural education through open and distance learning.

The School of Agriculture is actively working to develop more such programmes that directly impact the income of farming communities and enhance employability. Additionally, these programmes cater to the needs of agro-based industries by providing trained human resources at technician, supervisory and managerial levels.

The School focuses on transforming agriculture as an industry and enterprise, sharing resources, promoting start-ups, and organising outreach activities. Together, these efforts are important for transformative growth in Indian agriculture. The institutions and academic bodies may extend their consistent support in enhancing the reach of agricultural education to geographically remote and far-flung areas, particularly to disadvantaged sections of society.

Thank you and best wishes.
With regards,
Prof. Praveen Kumar Jain,
Director, School of Agriculture

School of Agriculture
Block G-2, Academic Complex,
IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068
# Photo Staff Details
Designation: Professor
Specialization:Agricultural Economics
Designation: Professor
Designation: Professor
Specialization:Livestock Production Management (LPM)
Designation: Professor
Specialization:Agricultural Engineering (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering)
Designation: Associate Professor
Specialization:Animal Products Technology and Marketing (APTM)
Designation: Assistant Professor
Specialization:Food Science and Technology
Designation: Assistant Professor
Specialization:Agricultural Extension