India has vast livestock resource that is growing steadily over the years. The country ranks eighth in meat production and fifth in egg output. The demand for meat/animal protein is continuously increasing. Further improvement in the income levels is projected to push up preference for meat/dominant diets among the population. to meet this steady demand, a minimum of doubling the meat production level over a period of eight to ten years, is being invisaged. production of meat and meat products in the country is by and large in the unorganized sector. The volume of this trade is low as most of the animals are not reared/bred methodically for meat market. The country exports chilled and frozen meat to moe than 60 countries. There is very little processing/value addition of meat (1%) into ready to eat meat products. in the coming days, the meat and pultry processing industry is poised to play a major role in the global livestock products trade. The changing dimensions of food processing industries call for bringing livestock produce in the organized sector to facilitate, value addition and adherence to sanitary practices. the sector, when organized on scientific lines, will provide large employment opportunities in rearing animals/birds on scientific lines and processing of meat into products of market demand. The growth patterns indicate good prospects for persons trained in handling and processing of meat and poultry. The Diploma in Meat Technology aims at imparting basic knowledge and skills for quality production of meat and meat products. Development of human resource for the industry is also part of it. Stress is on training of personnel for self-employment and creating awareness and competency in the meat as well as poultry-processing sector.
provide knowledge and skills for quality production of meat and meat products; develop human resource for meat industry and associated activities; train personnel for self employment; and impart knowledge and technical proficiency in: Good slaughter practices, Handling of meat on scientific lines, Production of quality meat and meat products, Testing and quality control of meat and meat products, Managing small and medium enterprises.