The Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables aims to develop competent human resource in the field of post harvest management of fruits and vegetables and production of value added products from them. It intends to inculcate vocational and entrepreneurial skills to widen employment opportunities, particularly among rural youth and the disadvantaged sections of the society as well as self employment. It seeks to address the workforce requirements of the food processing industries and focuses on upgrading the knowledge and skills of existing workers. The programme caters to educational requirements of the horticulture farmers, food processors, skilled workers/technicians in the fruit processing industries, NGO functionaries/trainers, entrepreneurs, staff of Food Processing Training Centre (FPTC)/horticulture/post harvest/food processing departments of the states/central, rural educators, farmers, etc. The salient features of this programme are as follows: • Focus on operational areas of post-harvest management of fruits and vegetables. • Courses designed and prepared by professional expert in the field of post harvest technology. • Student centered multimedia learning materials. • Strong students support services. • Opportunity to interact with leading experts through the teleconferencing.
To provide the knowledge & skills for minimizing the post-harvest losses and production of value added food products; To develop human resource for post harvest management and for primary processing of fruits and vegetables produce at the production areas/ clusters; To develop youth as young entrepreneurs for self employment through food processing and associated activities; and To impart knowledge and technical proficiency in: Procurement of raw materials,
Preparation of value added products,
Prevention of losses in fresh and processed horticulture produce,
Marketing and economical aspects,
Managing small and medium enterprises,