Diploma in Crtical Care Nursing (DCCN) is offered annually to In-service Registered Nurses (RN) and (RNRM) at all levels, Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) and or B.Sc. in Nursing / M.Sc. Nursing candidates.
The need was felt due to the unprecedented growth of specialty and super specialty hospitals in govt. and corporate sector in the country, there is a rise in number of critical care units to meet the health care needs of criticality ill patients. The unstable nature of critically ill patients and the use of wide variety of technological knowledge and devices in diagnosis, treatment and care of critically ill patients, focuses on the need for specialized nursing care. Nursing personnels require additional qualification to be able to work in various critical care settings. The diploma programme in critical care nursing will equip the nursing professionals with advanced knowledge and skills to provide quality need based cafe to the patients and family in variety of critical care setting. There is an urgent need for training Nurses in critical care to meet the health care needs of critically ill patients. Nurses need to have formal training in theory and Practical before working in critical care units. The programme will enable the nurses to get an opportunity to work in critical care and specialty areas with in large and small hospitals.
The main objectives of the programme are to provide opportunity to a large segment of in-service nurses to upgrade their knowledge and skills to respond to the changing health needs of the Critically ill patients. To develop and apply advanced Nursing care knowledge in Critical Care settings. To acquire proficiency in applying advanced skills in Caring Critically ill patients . To function as Critical Care Nurse Specialist and Practitioner and Educate Nursing Professionals in Critical Care Nursing. Duration of Programme is 1 year minimum with maximum of 3 years duration. The programme is implemented through a network of Programme Study Centres (PSCs) all over the country. The Programme Study Centres located in Schools of Nursing, College of Nursing and Hospitals. Academic counselling provided at programme study centres. For hands on training learners are placed in Critical Care units of various hospitals which will be attached to the respective Programme Study Centres. A team of trained teachers called counsellors identified and trained for providing academic counselling and supervised practice in these centres. In addition the learners are required to do self-practices at their own work place and maintain the record.
Note: As per Indian Nursing Council (INC) letter No.F.No.22-203/CNE/2018-INC dated 27/11/2020 the DNA programme can be considered under continued Nursing Education programme with 55 CNE credit hour/11 Credit as approved by INC