MAJEM: M.A in Journalism and Electronic Media(ODL) Apply Now


MA in Journalism and Electronic Media (MAJEM) programme provides you a comprehensive exposure to various aspects related to journalism and electronic media. Basics of mass communication, television and online journalism, audio programme production for online platforms and radio broadcasting, audio-visual programme production, and communication research have been included in this programme to equip you with necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies.



  • To impart the necessary knowledge and skills for print, television, radio a online journalism
  • To equip learners with the required knowledge and skills to produce audio programmes for radio broadcasting or podcasting
  • To provide knowledge and skills about digital photography and videography
  • To expose the learners to different aspects of audio-visual programme production
  • To introduce communication research to learners To acquaint the learners with the interrelationships between media and society

Courses Structure