MSCGI: MSc (Geoinformatics)(ODL) Apply Now


80 credits M.Sc. Geoinformatics (MSCGI) has been developed by the School of Sciences with the help of several eminent experts across India drawn from ISRO, DRDO, IIT, C-DAC, DST and many government and private institutes/organizations incorporating of NEP 2020 considering recent developments in the field and the need for skilled workforce. The MSCGI programme aims to provide the learners with advance theoretical knowledge and practical skills so that the learners can leverage potential of geoinformatics towards understanding natural processes, and management of natural resources, disasters, ecology and environment. It provides opportunity to learners interested in developing skills and willing to apply in their application domain. It has been designed to expose learners to fundamental and advanced theoretical principles, methods, techniques and practical applications involving advances in Remote Sensing and GIS, emerging applications in various fields, research methodology and professional skills in Geoinformatics and also computer programming for digital image processing and GIS.

Geoinformatics technologies deal with acquisition, storage, processing and dissemination of geospatial information. Geoinformatics is an emerging field and demand for geoinformatics professionals is increasing by the day due to its application potential in several fields such as environmental monitoring and management, terrain mapping and analysis, natural resources management, natural hazards and disaster management, urban and rural planning, traffic and transport, solid waste management, site selection, business applications, geospatial education, etc. Availability of geospatial information is a must for planning of infrastructure development, social development, natural calamities, agriculture, power, water, transportation, communication, insurance, and health. Further, recent developments such as inclusion of the subject in NET and GATE; Govt. initiatives e.g. Smart cities, SWAMITVA, AMRUT, etc. and in sectors particularly transport, logistics, supply chain management; policy changes like de-regulating geospatial data, opening of the space sector, and liberalised drone policy have tremendously increased its adoption and scope.

This is a continuing education programme offered in distance learning mode.

Programme Highlights

Designed to expose students to fundamental theoretical principles and practical applications involving:

  • Basics and advances in Remote Sensing & GIS
  • Techniques in Digital Image Processing
  • Spatial Analysis and Modelling
  • Emerging Applications in various fields
  • Research Methodology and Professional Skills in Geoinformatics
  • Computer programming (R, Python, Google Earth Engine, etc.) for DIP & GIS
  • Laboratory exercises built upon freely available data and s/w
  • Project work
  • Choice of Electives


Objectives of the programme are to:

  • acquaint the learners with basic and advance understanding of the underlying principles, concepts and techniques of geoinformation science,
  • provide skills in geospatial data handling, processing and analysis,
  • impart critical spatial thinking in the learners to analyse problems from a spatial perspective systematically,
  • prepare the learners to apply the principles and techniques towards finding scientific solution to problems in their application domain and communicate the findings; and
  • widen opportunities for learners for higher studies and developing career in different sectors of employment involving geoinformatics.

Courses Structure

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MGY-101: Introduction to Geoinformatics

Credits: 6
1 Semester

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MGY-102: Remote sensing and Image Interpretation

Credits: 4
1 Semester

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MGY-103: Global Navigation Satellite System and Geographic Information System

Credits: 4
1 Semester

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MGYL-104: Geoinformatics Laboratory

Credits: 6
0 Semester

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MGY-005: Techniques in Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing

Credits: 6
2 Semester

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MGY-006: Spatial Analysis and Modelling

Credits: 4
2 Semester

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MGY-007: Applications of Geoinformatics

Credits: 4
2 Semester

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MGYl-008: Digital Image Processing and Spatial Analysis Laboratory

Credits: 6
0 Semester

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MGY-009: Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS

Credits: 4
3 Semester

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MGY-010: Computer Programming for Digital Image Processing and GIS

Credits: 6
3 Semester

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MGY-011: Geo-environmental Application of Geoinformatics

Credits: 4
0 Semester

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MGY-012: Advanced Geoinformatics Laboratory

Credits: 6
0 Semester

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