PGCPP: PG Certificate in Patent Practice(ODL)
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This programme deals with Patents
Provide the learners an in-depth knowledge on the indian patent law:
enable the learners to acquire appropriate skills for writing of patent application;
Develop expertise in patent search and
Acquire practical knowledge of writing a patent application, protecting one's claim on his invention, opposition and defense, etc.
Learner Target Group
People working inthe area of IPR and wishes to become patent attorneys, patent agents
Eligibility & Medium
Eligibility for admission:Degree in Science/Technology/Medicine or Fourth and Fifth year students of Five year integrated LL.B Course who passed three years
Medium of Instruction:Englsih
Duration & Fee Structure
Programme Duration:Minimum Duration: 6 Months and Maximum Duration24 Months
This course isthe introductory course on Intellectual Property Rights and is designed accordingly.The course is presented in four blocks comprising of 14units. Each one of which is to serve specific purpose. In Block 1, the concept and forms of IP are discussed, it introduces in a general way the seven categories ofIntellectual Property Rights (lPRs) that are recognised under the Agreement of the Trade Related aspects of the Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs Agreement) ofthe World Trade Organization, the emphasis is also laid on Intellectual property rights in India, acquisition and Maintenance ofIPRs and also emerging issues in IP. In Block 2, Role of Patent in promoting invention, innovation and technology development, technology transfer and protection oftraditioinal knowledge is discussed .
MIR-022: International Framework for Patents Protection
MIR-022: International Framework for Patents Protection
Course Title:
International Framework for Patents Protection
Course Code:
Course Type (Credit):
Theory (4 Credits)
Course Introduction:
This course consists of 4 blocks. Block 1 as the name suggests, deals with the World Intellectual Properties Organization (WIPO) administered treaties. Covers the Paris convention, Patent Cooperation Treaty (peT) and Patent Law Treaty (PLT) and WIPO treaty. Block 2 covers the Trade Related Intellectual Properties (TRIPS) agreement treaties. It covers - World Trade Organization (WTO) and TRIPS. Block 3 deals with the enforcement mechanism. It covers - enforcement under TRIPS agreement, roleof custom and police in dispute settlement and dispute settlement under WIPO. Block 4 covers those areas of patent which are relatively new. It covers - patent and biotechnology, computer software and genetic resources.
Patent is the most significant form of IP to encourage creativity in science and technology and protect invention and innovation from appropriation by others. It is a strategic tool for economic growth facilitating FDI and technology transfer, stimulating R&D and for the creation of new technologies and businesses, empowering enterprises, along with trademarks expanding businesses globally. The course consists of four Blocks.