The Course on Introduction to IP rights will extensively deal-with the meaning and concept of Intellectual Property Rights. We encounter intellectual property at every step of out lives today. From the design on the bed sheet to the titles, paints, books, films, the music CDs, in fact each and everthing by which we are surrounded falls under some kind of intellectual property. The concept of intellectual Property (IP) will be understood better if we understand what is meant by the term of Property. Property actually means some material object belonging to a'particular person. Speaking legally property refers to the bundle of rights that the law confers on a person by virtue of the ownership and possession of an objects. Intellectual property on the other hand implies to any property created by the application of human mind. It is non physical (intangible) and it derives its values from ideas(s). There is no uniform definition of intellectual Property. The domain of IP is expanding fast as knowledge and information became key drives of techno-economic growth and of societal progress in general.
Patent is the most significant form of IP to encourage creativity in science and technology and protect invention and innovation from appropriation by others. It is a strategic tool for economic growth facilitating FDI and technology transfer, stimulating R&D and for the creation of new technologies and businesses, empowering enterprises, along with trademarksexpanding businesses globally. .The course consists of four Blocks.
MIP-103: Industrial Designs and Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits and utility Models
MIP-103: Industrial Designs and Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits and utility Models
Course Title:
Industrial Designs and Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits and utility Models
Course Code:
Course Type (Credit):
Theory (4 Credits)
Course Introduction:
Intellectual Property as we understand refers to the creations of mind: invention, literacy and artistic works, and symbols, names, images and designs used in commerce. In this Course we willbe learningmore about semiconductor circuits. In the first block we will be studying about Industrial designs details, the process' of registration, the rights of the registered designs and also about infringement and remedies. In the second Block of this course the learners will be made acquainted with layout designs of semiconductor and integrated circuits and the third Block of this Course deals with Utility models,wherein the learners will be made acquajnted with the scopy of utility model protection, the possible rights or utilitymodels and also about the internationalexperience in utilitymodel protection
This Course will be dealing with the forms ofIPR which is Trademarks, Domain names and Geographical Indications. Trademark as we understand has to play a vital role in day to day choices made by the consuming public. Trademarks are normally distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to indentify that the products or services to consumers with which the trademark appears originate from a unique source, and also it distinguishes from other products or services. This Course consists of four blocks
Copyright is one of the main branches of Intellectual Property (IP). The word "Intellectual Property" refers to the 'creations of human mind' (hence the word intellectual") and the protection that is granted to the creations or originators of such creations.. in the form of exclusive rights (hence the word 'property' . Examples of Intellectual Property. subject matter are: books, paintings, poems, novels, sculptures (all known as "literacy and artistic works" and protected under "Copyright Law" design; trademarks, inventions etc.
MIP-106: Plant Varieties Protection, Biotechnology and Traditional Knowledge
MIP-106: Plant Varieties Protection, Biotechnology and Traditional Knowledge
Course Title:
Plant Varieties Protection, Biotechnology and Traditional Knowledge
Course Code:
Course Type (Credit):
Theory (4 Credits)
Course Introduction:
The evolution of the Intellectual Property Right Regimes has always been influenced by the prevailing political and economic situations. Patent laws have traditionally exempted plants from the scope of protection. Thus plant variety protection or pVP, a form of IPRs for plant varieties has only recently gained momentum. Till 1990's PVP was exclusively a feature of the developed countries. The form of intellectual property for protection of plant varieties is widely known as Plant Breeders Rights (PBRs). The PBR like any other IPR system allows the plant variety owner to prohibit specif]c unauthorized uses of the variety. This course will extensively deal with issues relating plant variety protection.
MIP-107: Trade Secrets, Competition Law and Protection of TCE
MIP-107: Trade Secrets, Competition Law and Protection of TCE
Course Title:
Trade Secrets, Competition Law and Protection of TCE
Course Code:
Course Type (Credit):
Theory (4 Credits)
Course Introduction:
Trade Secrets, 'Undisclosed Information' is a form of Intellectual Property Right which required protection under TRIPS. Trade Secrets are very important aspects of a commercial enterprise. Competition as we understand is healthy for a business enterprise. It has often been described as a public good that can potentially spur economic efficiency, growth and competitiveness. Competitor also serves to diffuse socio-economic power and broader economic, social and political participation while providing opportunities for new entrepreneurs. Traditional Cultural Expressions covers on enormous variety of customs, traditions, forms of artistic expressions, knowledge, beliefs, products, processes of production and space that originate inmany communities throughout the world .
In this Course we will be dealing with the management ofIPR. The concept of management ofIPRs gained momentum since the beginning of the era of knowledge based economy. Many economists and management thinkers suggested 'various management approaches and financial instruments to guide the IP managers for proper utilization of intangible assets. As a result companies had to hire professional IPR managers to optimize the returns of intangible assets for their companies.