Student Evaluation Division (SED) is a functional Division involved in the process of evaluation of student performance by various means such as Term-end Examination (Theory), /Term-end Examination (Practical), Assignment (continuous evaluation), Project Report, Internship, Field Work Journal (Practicum), Extended Contact Programme (ECP), Dissertation, Viva-voce, etc. The major functions of Evaluation include inter-alia the following:

  1. Setting, moderating, printing and dispatch of Question Papers.
  2. Establishment of Examination Centres across the Country, outside India and Jail Centre.
  3. Conduct of Entrance Test for BSCN (PB), B.Ed, Ph.D. and Term-end Examinations (online/offline)
  4. Conduct of TEE for ODL/Online/E-Vidya Bharti/GOAL/ITEP Programmes
  5. Evaluation of answer scripts of Term-end Examination and Project Reports.
  6. Processing of results of all components of all programmes/courses.
  7. Issuance of final Statement of Marks/Grade Cards & Provisional Certificates.
  8. Conduct of convocation and issue of Degree/Diploma/Certificate.
  9. Verification of Testimonials and Issue of Official Transcripts.
  10. Redressing Grievances on various portals such as Public Grievance (PG) Portal, i-GRAM, VCO, emails, surface mails, telephone calls and personal visits of students.

The successful completion of a Course/Programme of Study for the award of degree/diploma/certificate will be determined on the basis of the performance of students enrolled in the relevant course/programme in the manner laid down in the ordinance. Unless otherwise specified, the performance of a student enrolled in a course/programme will be assessed:

  1. Continuously on the basis of the evaluation of the assignments submitted by him/her;
  2. On the basis of a Term-end-Examination conducted in every Six month within the minimum & maximum duration prescribed for the concerned course/programme;
  3. The University may also prescribe for courses/programmes, wherever appropriate, execution of specific projects, Field work, Journal, Dissertation etc. by students, the successful completion of which, and the levels of performance in their execution shall be taken into account in the overall assessment of student performance; and
  1. The University successfully conducted the Term-End-Examinations in Offline mode during the peak period of Covid-19 Pendamic for final year students and with facility to appear in the backlog courses duly following guidelines of UGC, directions of Ministry and the decision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court both in September, 2020 and August, 2021 after the two long lockdowns.
  2. As per the UGC’s guidelines the University exempted the students of intermediate year/semesters of first and second year of Bachelor and Master Degree Programmes registered in July, 2019(Annual) and January, 2020 (Semester) and subsequently for the batches of July, 2020 (Annual) and January, 2021 (Semester). The University implemented the revised software for adjustment of examination fees during lockdown and also the updation of marks/grades in the exempted courses.
  3. After admission and issue of Self Instructional Materials (SIM), the activities related to completion of various evaluation components such as assignments, Term-end-Examination, practical, projects, etc., begins which are under the purview of SED. The SED facilitates the students as and when required and redresses the grievances with final action and satisfactory responses through Public Grievance (PG) Portal, i-GRAM, VCO, emails, surface mails, telephone calls and personal visits of students.

Registrar, SED
(Dr. Shachi Shah)

The University conducts term-end examinations twice a year in the months of June and December throughout the Country The examination activities performed by the Students Evaluation Division can be divided into the following three phases:

  • Pre-Examination Activities
  • Activities to Conduct the Examinations
  • Post – Examination Activities

Since, the term-end examinations for various courses/programmes are ordinarily held in the months of June and December every year, therefore, students will be free to appear at any of these examinations either for specific courses or for whole programmes provided that the minimum period of study prescribed for the relevant course/programme has elapsed and valid registration of the programme.

However, the students, who take admission to some individual courses in January/ July Semester as per terms of any MOU executed by IGNOU with other University of accredited institution, will be allowed to appear in term-end examination of June/December respectively of the same year so as to enable them to complete the pre-requisite course for their degrees/diplomas from the respective Universities/ accredited institutions. Each candidate will be required to fill in the online examination form and submit the same to the Evaluation Division of the University within the duration notified, and the conduct of examination shall be in accordance with the regulations framed by the University for the purpose.

Keeping in view with the mandate to use technology, the University will conduct on line examination for such programmes and such courses as may be decided from time to time. The online examination will be conducted in the manner as may be laid down by the regulations.

  1. The details of Term-End-Examinations for ODL Students from June, 2020, December, 2020, June, 2021, December, 2021, June, 2022, December, 2022, June, 2023, December, 2023 & June, 2024 TEE conducted are as under:
    Session Exam Centre Total Courses Hall Ticket issued to Students Total Number of Answer Sheets
    Total Overseas JAIL
    June, 2020 720 0 55 1212 364209 850600
    December, 2020 845 19 100 1340 606023 1884015
    June, 2021 766 19 80 1292 405569 1204732
    December, 2021 801 19 89 1699 678594 2591478
    June, 2022 832 19 82 2009 769541 3620768
    December, 2022 836 19 86 2265 628244 2509012
    June, 2023 844 21 87 2684 924728 4222367
    December, 2023 852 19 90 2179 723733 3728129
    June, 2024 881 19 82 2831 5334319 4087687
  2. Term-End-Examinations for GOAL Students from December, 2021 TEE onwards are.
    Session No. of Student Appeared
    December, 2021 104
    June, 2022 302
    December, 2022 269
    June, 2023 235
    December, 2023 161
    June, 2024 123
  3. Term-End-Examinations for Online Programmes (CBT and Pen & Paper Mode) from December, 2021TEE Onwards are:
    Session No. of Student Appeared Total No. of Examination Centre
    December, 2021 282 47
    June, 2022 1388 54
    December, 2022 3597 57
    June, 2023 1741 527
    December, 2023 1753 576
    June, 2024 858 61
  4. Term-End-Examinations for E-Vidya Bharti in Proctored Mode from June, 2023 TEE Onwards are:
    Session No. of Student Appeared
    June, 2023 2612
    December, 2023 4146
    June, 2024 3705
  5. Entrance Tests for B.Ed. and BSC (N) on 8th May, 2022
    • Total No. of Student appeared- 33942
  6. Entrance Test for free coaching to IAS aspirants under Dr. Ambedkar Centre for Excellence (DACE) on 31.07.2022
    • Total No. of Student appeared- 13158
    • Total No. of Examination Centre- 57
  7. Entrance Test for Ph.D/B.Ed/BSC(N) programmes on 08.01.2023.
    • Total No. of Student appeared - 32749

Examination Fee details

The details of Fee collected in SED for the following Term-End-Examinations are as given below:

Sl. No. TEE Fee Collected(Rs. in Crore)
1 Jun-20 56.28
2 Dec-20 29.90
3 Jun-21 62.64
4 Dec-21 45.64
5 Jun-22 71.39
6 Dec-22 63.48
7 Jun-22 (Online) 0.15 (US$1740)
8 Dec-22 (Online) 0.19 (US$1260)
9 Jun-23 (ODL) 108.66
10 Jun-23 (Online) 0.42 (US$580)
11 Dec-23 (ODL) 74.21
12 Dec-23 (Online) 0.66
13 June-24 (ODL) 114.79
14 Jun-2024 (Online) 0.67

The methods of evaluation for each course/programme involving the combination of two or more components mentioned in the programme of study, including the relative weightage to be assigned to each of those components, shall be prescribed by the Academic Council on the recommendations of the Board of the concerned School of Studies. A student pursuing a programme of study shall be required to submit assignment of each course that constitutes the programme.

The assignments may generally be of two types; those marked by tutors/counsellors and those marked by computer (multiple choice type). The instructions to candidates about the nature and types of assignments and the schedule for their submission shall be prescribed in the relevant programme guide and/or in the course itself. The assignments submitted by the students for successful completion of their programme of study is evaluated by the concerned Learner Support Centre (LSC)/Regional Centre and sent to SED for processing the same and updation of result. The SED processed the following assignments data and updated the result of the student session wise:

Sl. No. TEE Assignment
1 June-20 2471910
2 Dec-20 1539961
3 June-21 2889589
4 Dec-21 2279095
5 June-22 3114990
6 Dec-22 2341372
7 June-23 4125968
8 Dec-2023 2451825

In appropriate cases, the University may also prescribed Project, Dissertation, field work, seminars, practicals, or any other techniques/methods for assessment to determine the levels of performance of students pursuing different courses/programmes.

The Project, Practical, Field work, Journal evaluated and processed for other components of the Term-End-Examinations are tabulated below:

Sl. No. TEE Practical Project
1 June-20 76057 36239
2 Dec-20 80893 20979
3 June-21 74531 56884
4 Dec-21 101093 35739
5 June-22 119466 33665
6 Dec-22 155400 28017
7 June-23 178488 45527
8 Dec-2023 161376 38488

Convocations for the purpose of conferring Degrees/Diplomas shall ordinarily be held once a year at Delhi and at such Regional Centre (s), and on such date (s), as may be decided by the Vice-Chancellor. The details of the Convocation held in the years 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 with the detail of Degree and other awards are as under:

SED issued the degree through Block-Chain Technology by directly publishing the data through push off a button was introduced during 35th Convocation held on 26.04.2022. The Degrees of 35, 36th & 37th Convocation have been published through Block-chain in the each Convocation.

The University has constituted the Committee to consider the inclusion of the student’s photo in the content printed on Statement of Marks/Grade Card, Degree/Diploma/Certificate. The Committee has recommended for the issue of University testimonials along with the photographs of the students on them and accordingly SED has successfully implemented the issue of Grade Card and Provisional Certificate with Photograph from December, 2023 Term-end-Examination onwards.

SED has developed the automation of several activities with regard to its functions and conduct of Examination etc. The following are the major activities implemented by SED:

The SED has taken new initiatives by development and implementation of various software for operational use such as

  • ARSMS (Assignment Record Submission Management System),
  • OQPDS (Online Question Paper Delivery System),
  • Online Monitoring of Examinees’ Attendance, Despatch of Answer Scripts for evaluation, etc.
  • The SED has successfully conducted term-end examinations during the pandemic period. The SED has also conducted the online examinations for international student at Guyana and online programmes.
  • Implementation of Special Portal for DECE Students
  • Implementation of Online Portal for Practical
  • Implementation and Conduct of Online Paper for GOAL Students/E-Vidya Bharti Students through remote proctored mode through Samarth Portal
  • The data transmission to Ministry for updation of ABC
  • The data transmission to Ministry for NAD/Digi-locker
  • Issue of Degree through Block Chain Technology
  • ITEP Face to face examination of BA(B.Ed), BCOM(B.Ed), BSc.(B.Ed) was also conducted by the University other than various Term-End-Examinations of ODL/Online/E-Vidya Bharti/GOAL.
  • OTP Based Assignment Login Portal to Regional Centres